new journey is begun Jenna Talackova

We are very proud and enthusiast for this first post our new website dedicated to men and transsexual women that want to find a romantic date or simple relationship with transgender girls. new journey is begun

We consider the developing of this project a journey with our readers, because we value their opinions and requests, and possibly helping them solving their problems. We encourage you to share with us your expectations for our service and share your opinion.

This new project is very close home to us, because the team behind it, is made by transsexual girls and men who are in a love relationship with, friendly LGBT people ( see the page about us find further information).

That’s one more reason we take it seriously, doing our best to offer a reliable resource and service for LGBT community, but of course mainly based to transgender dating.

Our wish is to provide reliable resources, tools, services, information s aimed to encourage people to set up real and genuine love relationship between transgender women and men to find a date.

Doing so, on you can keep in touch with our moderators and team developers on comments boxes, direct contact trough our emails forms, social media links and pages. Furthermore, you can keep up to date with our news joining the newsletter.

What you can find on and what is all about?

We are very much aware of all the challenges and issues when it comes to love relationship and transsexual dating. A consistent amount of websites aims only to casual encounters, hooks ups and pornography. We are aware this cannot be stopped, but we also know the thing can be done in a different way.

We will simply give reviews and links to find the best dating services on all-purpose. In this way, we can set a meter of comparison between different kind of services based on your preferences. We do not stigmatize different interest and needs; the freedom of what makes you happy is at your choice, and we are none to dictate what you should do.

We encourage you to look for real love relationship with a transsexual woman

Our website will not be featuring any porn, but just reviewing and providing the best services that offer opportunities to find a date. Can be for serious commitment or a naughty moment of pleasure. But we are very much aware of the stereotypes spread by media about prostitution and escort services. You will not find any such services on

You are free to use the links at the services will be featuring at your own wish, the use you will make it is your freedom.

But we are very proud to have some services that will be expressively addressed for genuine and serious love relationship between men and trans women. It is our intention to give them the most visibility since they are extraordinarily unique and decent services that till today were almost impossible to find around.

Just browse the categories and links on Transsexual date online dot com and we will make sure you will find what you were looking for.

Reviews, education, information s, news, events, and gossip from transsexual world blog will also provide different topic among all these categories in future publications. Thanks to our network resources connected to the transgender world we can provide interest topics that you will enjoy reading and useful information s for your relationship and better understanding the transsexual world in the modern era.

Join our newsletter today and don’t miss any news! Feel free to leave your comment, make a question and we will be happy to reply and share.

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3 thoughts on “ new journey is begun

  1. Nick says:

    I love this project, and my girlfriend is a trans woman. I would like to share my story if you like guys! Hope to hear from you!


  2. David says:

    Looking for transgender relationship by long time, but haven’t had many chances to get in touch with decent t women. I’m taking now new chances since i found this awesome site while reading it! God bless you all guys!

  3. Zeni says:

    I’m a transgender woman myself, and love to see people educating the mass about dating ts like me and, to some degree who we are. Have not met yet my sweet half but I keep searching for my soul mate. Thanks for making this site

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