Trans Lovers – Transgender dating

Trans Lovers - Transgender dating

TLover - Transgender Dating


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  • Multilingual support
  • Stable and fast loading
  • Mobile compatible
  • Growing community
  • Cheap upgrade for premium


  • Exclusive for hook up, sex dates
  • Mobile version still beta phase
  • A bug that shall be solved soon about passowrd recovering latence. Make sure don't forget your account pasword

Ever heard of TLovers Dating? First and foremost, what does mean T Lover? Which simply trans lover? Well, the answer seems obvious! Anyhow for some of us could be some confused! This time, we want to give you also some tips and explanations about this terminology and synonymous. With the occasion also our Trans lover dating review, the homonymous website to know and meet transsexuals online ( on the internet ).

Trans Lovers – Transgender Dating

We are speaking about a third gender or third sex lover. A term which better identify in these years to transsexual male to female girls ( MtF transition from man to woman ), which can also be told ” transgender women .”

Usually, the Tlover prefer more transsexuals rather genetic girls, as a result, becomes a transgender dater. For dates and dating ( from English dictionary ), is intended a person who is looking to meet someone in person ( in real ). With who in our case it’s obvious.

NOTE: This short description will be better explained soon on dedicated article which will be addressed as: trans-oriented men

Who is the so-called T Lover?

Well, there are many stereotypes and confusion about these neologisms. Let’s get it trough some questions. Which attitudes and kind of dates is looking for a trans lover? Can be of any sort, in real life or virtual life on live web cam for only fun and sexy dates or serious love relationship. The term dating, today is better associated and used to organized meeting, which begun before on the internet that leads to real life date. The famous dating online love 2.0, is the biggest change of our times. Dates and meetings of old style are still the most preferred, but for people who are not living in the major cities, this is more difficult. As for those who live at the border of their province, in small town or villages chance are tiny to find their match or a simple encounter.

Online dating becomes the best tool that offers many opportunities to and organizes, get to know and meet people live. Even more for transgender ladies!

We all know pretty well that many countries in the world are not well-accepting transsexuals yet. Some very conservative like Italy in Europe.  These girls are under the negative stares from surrounding people and mass media. That’s why many t-girls are using online dating services to find true love.

Online dating without commitment, only sex?

Of course, not everybody is interested in serious love story or serious commitment. The World keep evolving, old taboo fading, and people becoming more uninhibited and free to live and meet whoever without compromises.

Tlovers – transsexual encounters review

To mention a transex dating site that fits well this target is Trans Lover – Transgender dating, or simply Tlover, which is the website for today review. In the latest time, the franchise owning this service has earned a lot of advertising and positive user feedback. From both who are looking for local encounters or foreigners.

TLover Transgender dating‘s admins have known to renovate themselves and keep up with time changes. We can say that this website is kind of interesting, offering discrete opportunity to find your desired match. Despite the fact, there are still margins of improvements for the website and some little bug regarding functionality, and our review is more than positive. With a moderate and reasonable premium subscription cost to who wishing upgrade.

There are all the tools you need to set decent profiles, research fields, and matchmaking tools quite intuitive and simple to use. All of this, of course, mobile compatible with smartphones and tablets.

Costs and monthly plans review

Tlover dating offers a good price / quality service compared to its dating site niche competitors. We consider the latest upgrades of the franchise which Tlover belong, regarding quality, a reliable service. We can say that its demand for premium is quite good and with dignity quality. Besides, the premium is not a must have if you just wish to take a free tour on the site and see if fits your needs. Here a few notes :

  • For new subscribers, depending on monthly offers, you can have trial premiums for the cheapest 5 €
  • Tlover also offers a matchmaking for FTM transsexuals

Tlover dating site review

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