What is the meaning pre-op, post-op, non-op trans woman?

What is the meaning pre-op, post-op, non-op trans woman?

If you are wondering what could be the difference or definition of post-op, pre-op and non-op trans woman, here you’ll get the bits you need. And most important, how these differences could affect your dating experience or romantic relationship with a transsexual partner.

For a short answer, of what is the meaning pre-op, post-op, non-op trans woman, it simply lies on the fact if she had or not surgeries, like the sex change. Let’s see a bit in details the different implications.

What is a pre-op, post-op, non-op trans woman?

These terminologies are all about SRS, Sex Reassignment Surgery, or simply, sex change! And these three terms has nothing to do with the hormones for MtF transition, dressing code, or enhancements surgeries like breast implants and hips (see more below at post-op).

Let’s see how’s the meaning of pre-op, post-op, non-op trans woman in details.

Pre-op Transsexual Woman

They are called PRE-OP transwomen simply because they haven’t undergone the sex reassignment surgery, yet! That means they still have their male genitalia, but planning to get rid of it. Pre-op stand for before the operation (surgery), awaiting or preparing for the surgery someday or in the near future.

Post-op Transsexual Woman

Post-op meaning After the Operation. Technically, a post-op transwoman has already undergone Sex Change (SRS). Which it consists in reconstructing a neo-vagina with the tissues of her male genitalia.

Can a Trans post-op Get Pregnant?

Even though it is amazing how modern surgical operations can remodel human’s anatomy, it is yet not possible to replicate all the natural functions for both male and female genitalia. A post-op trans woman can’t have babies, she can’t get pregnant.

Non-op Transsexual Woman

The neologism Non-Op transwoman refers to a transsexual woman that DO NOT have plans to undergo sexual reassignment surgery. They are simply comfortable with their male genitalia.

The term NON-OP became popular in the dating scene in the recent years. Due to the growing emancipation among LGBT rights and gender identity recognition.

P.S. In the earlier article, our blog has shown you some basic guides, but essential dating tips for finding the right transsexual date for you.

Men meet transwomen for the first time

Today’s topic, the meaning pre-op, post-op, non-op trans woman, it is a mandatory acknowledging for a man who wants to meet transsexual women. Especially if you are a first timer!

You don’t want to spend weeks chatting on a transsexual dating site or meeting someone in real life, and find out later you guys are not compatible, right?

Even though these are very personal matters, and for some, the thinking is that it should be kept private. Well, we all have our own preferences, don’t we?

You can assume by yourself that it is important to disclose these conditions and your own preferences as soon as possible?

Dating in real life it might be a bit tricky to find the right moment to open the topic, but if you are using online dating chats for trans, that’s easy!

For example, on my transsexual date, you can disclose your preferences and condition while filling your dating profile.


There are trans women who exclusively want to date a man who is TOP (active role) as well there are men who want to exclusively date transwomen who are VERSATILE. You are now figuring yourself that preferences matters.

Whether you are a trans-oriented man or a transgender lady yourself, do not underrate the importance of your partner preference. Especially when it comes to dating matters and love affairs.

We will cover the topic about sexual roles and intimacy with a transsexual partner in the next post on our blog, stay tuned 😉

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4 thoughts on “What is the meaning pre-op, post-op, non-op trans woman?

  1. Casey says:

    I’ve been looking on ts dating site for a while and they lacked providing the information I found here. I wish i knew earlier about all these differences mentioned. I got into some embarassing situations more than once while chatting to lovely trans on the sites and… I felt a bit dumb. Thanks for sharing it! Yo9u guys are great! Keep up the good work.

  2. Darren [email protected] says:

    I am darren lee james williams. I am 43. I am in uk. I love ladyboy to love and sex. I like dvd i like cats and dogs and bats i like play. On my x box 1
    I am man
    I got. A bike

  3. I am darren lee James i am 43 i am in uk i am look for ladyboy to love me

  4. John paul says:

    Looking For Post-Op
    For Relationship

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